Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Merthyr Tudful

Agorwch bob opsiwnCaewch yr holl opsiynau

Dewiswch ysgol
Tymhorau ysgol, gwyliau neu'r holl flwyddyn

Dyddiau penodol

Gofal tu allan i oriau arferol
Nodwch eich amrediad oedran, o:
  i oed  

Dangos 4 o 4 gwasanaeth

Geraldine Collins - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

I have been a childminder for 18 years. All of my mindees have come to me from recommendations. I have completed different Welsh course which I undertook because I have mindees in the Welsh school. We go to various playgroups in the mornings which encourage children to socialise, the afternoons...

Mrs M Thomas - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Please contact me for further information.

Mrs Powell - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

I am a mature parent with sixteen years experience of caring for children. During this time I have spent time as a volunteer working with my daughter and other children in a school setting. This has enabled me to gain an insight into the importance of education at a young age. I have been a...