Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Merthyr Tudful

Agorwch bob opsiwnCaewch yr holl opsiynau

Dewiswch ysgol
Tymhorau ysgol, gwyliau neu'r holl flwyddyn

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Gofal tu allan i oriau arferol
Nodwch eich amrediad oedran, o:
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Dangos 3 o 3 gwasanaeth

Funtazia Day Nursery Gurnos - Breakfast Club - Clwb Brecwast (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Funtazia Day Nursery provides a breakfast club service for children aged between 3 years - 7 years 11 months. This also includes a drop off to either Gwaunfarren Primary School or Cyfartha Park Primary School ( infant site only ) Funtazia Day Nursery is registered to provide the 30 hour...

Funtazia Day Nursery Pentrebach - Breakfast Club - Clwb Brecwast (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Funtazia Day Nursery provides full day care for children aged between 6 weeks - 7 years 11 months. services involve full and part time sessions, full days, half days, pre school sessions, wraparound, after school and holiday clubs.Pick up and drop off services to schools. Funtazia is a Flying...

Trinity Child '; Family Centre Ltd - Breakfast Club - Clwb Brecwast (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide a breakfast club for school aged children up to 12 years of age.