Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Blaenau Gwent

Agorwch bob opsiwnCaewch yr holl opsiynau

Dewiswch ysgol
Tymhorau ysgol, gwyliau neu'r holl flwyddyn

Dyddiau penodol

Gofal tu allan i oriau arferol
Nodwch eich amrediad oedran, o:
  i oed  

Dangos 16 o 16 gwasanaeth

Abigail Cox - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae gofalwyr plant yn hunangyflogedig, ac yn gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fe fyddan nhw’n gofalu am blant sydd ond ychydig fisoedd oed i fyny, am ran o’r dydd neu’r diwrnod cyfan. Cytunir ar y taliadau am ofalu am blant rhwng y rhiant a’r gofalwr, ac fe fyddan nhw’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar...

Amanda Williams - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae gofalwyr plant yn hunangyflogedig, ac yn gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fe fyddan nhw’n gofalu am blant sydd ond ychydig fisoedd oed i fyny, am ran o’r dydd neu’r diwrnod cyfan. Cytunir ar y taliadau am ofalu am blant rhwng y rhiant a’r gofalwr, ac fe fyddan nhw’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar...

Ceri's Childcare - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Registered CIW Childminder – I Child mind for children from birth to 12 years old for the parents to be able to go to work. I offer Childcare from 8am to 6pm and provide breakfast and snacks. I provide wrap around for 3-4 year olds, accept tax free childcare and child care offer families. I have ...

Davies - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

I am a home based service as I work from home. But we do go out to parks and play centre and forest and I look after birth to 12 years. I am registered with ciw and the local authority.

Em's Miles of Smiles - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae gofalwyr plant yn hunangyflogedig, ac yn gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fe fyddan nhw’n gofalu am blant sydd ond ychydig fisoedd oed i fyny, am ran o’r dydd neu’r diwrnod cyfan. Cytunir ar y taliadau am ofalu am blant rhwng y rhiant a’r gofalwr, ac fe fyddan nhw’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar...

Gofal Dydd Moonbeams - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae gofalwyr plant yn hunangyflogedig, ac yn gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fe fyddan nhw’n gofalu am blant sydd ond ychydig fisoedd oed i fyny, am ran o’r dydd neu’r diwrnod cyfan. Cytunir ar y taliadau am ofalu am blant rhwng y rhiant a’r gofalwr, ac fe fyddan nhw’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar...

Happy Hearts Childminding - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Happy Hearts Childminding offers a home-from-home, nurturing environment where children of all ages and developmental stages are provided opportunities and experiences to aid their development in all areas. We take every opportunity to venture outdoors to the local play area and grassed areas...

Janet Suter - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Childminders are childcare providers working in their own homes who may offer full and part time care, including before and after school, wrap around provision, (childcare that schools provide outside of normal school hours, such as breakfast clubs or after school) holiday, evening, overnight or ...

Jelly Tots Childminding - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

I look after children in my own home, providing a safe, warm loving environment for children to enjoy and flouish

Kristy Phelps - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith At Dinky Winks Childminding, I offer a fun stimulating setting where play is at the heart of all learning. I plan many fun learning experiences to accommodate children of all ages and abilities. I have a wide selection of resources such as art and craft, books, science and nature, block play,...

Kristy Phelps - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith At Dinky Winks Childminding, I offer a fun stimulating setting where play is at the heart of all learning. I plan many fun learning experiences to accommodate children of all ages and abilities. I have a wide selection of resources such as art and craft, books, science and nature, block play,...

Pauline Paul - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Childminder are childcare providers working in their own homes who may offer full and part time care, including before and after school, wrap around provision, (childcare that schools provide outside of normal school hours, such as breakfast clubs or after school) holiday, evening, overnight or...

Tiny Tots - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Childminders are childcare providers working in their own homes who may offer full and part time care, including before and after school, wrap around provision, (childcare that schools provide outside of normal school hours, such as breakfast clubs or after school) holiday, evening, overnight or ...

Tracey Davies - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae gofalwyr plant yn hunangyflogedig, ac yn gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fe fyddan nhw’n gofalu am blant sydd ond ychydig fisoedd oed i fyny, am ran o’r dydd neu’r diwrnod cyfan. Cytunir ar y taliadau am ofalu am blant rhwng y rhiant a’r gofalwr, ac fe fyddan nhw’n amrywio’n dibynnu ar...

The Butterfly Patch - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The childminding service that I provide is one where children are provided with stimulating play and learning activities that link to the frameworks that are relevant to their age and stage of development. I aim to provide a warm, caring, home from home environment for children to grow, develop...

Wendy Phelps - Gwarchodwr plant (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Childminders are childcare providers working in their own homes who may offer full and part time care, including before and after school, wrap around provision, (childcare that schools provide outside of normal school hours, such as breakfast clubs or after school) holiday, evening, overnight or ...