CUBE - Gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

Understanding Anxiety, is a 6 week group focusing on helping children with support strategies and resources to help them understand their anxiety.

The group usually runs for 6 weeks followed by a break which coincides with school holidays. However, we do provide activities during school holidays.

Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi

There are two groups one for children aged 6 to 11 and one for teenagers.

Oes tâl yn cael ei godi am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Nac oes

All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Self Referral, referral from GP. Forms available on website

Manylion am wasanaeth gwasanaethau cymorth i deuluoedd

Iaith: Dwyieithog

  • Yn gallu rhoi cymorth arbenigol i deuluoedd plant ag anableddau / anghenion ychwanegol Yes Cysylltwch i drafod anghenion eich plentyn(plant) ymhellach.
  • Mae gan staff perthnasol DBS cyfredol dilys? Yes

Dulliau cysylltu

Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

 Hygyrchedd yr adeilad

 Amserau agor

Monday 3.30pm - 4.15pm for 6 -11 year olds
Monday 4.30pm - 5.15pm for teenagers