Oasis Tots - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

Oasis Tots is a parent/toddler group held over multiple sessions during the week.

Aimed at children aged 0-3, the Oasis Community Centre in Trecynon has a multitude of great facilities including dedicated soft-play areas. We have multiple rooms that can be used for mums with babies as well as role-playing rooms for the older children.

We also have a fantastic outdoor play area (weather permitting).

Sessions are held on Thursday and Friday Mornings. In our cafe area, light refreshments are provided including a selection of fruit for the children. High chairs are available.

We'd love to see you and your little one(s) very soon at Oasis Tots.

Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi

Children aged 0-3 are catered for with great facilities. The entire building is on one level with easy access to all rooms.
Free parking on-site is available.

Oes tâl yn cael ei godi am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Oes - There is a charge of £2 per child.

All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Contact Cath to reserve a place.

Dulliau cysylltu

Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

 Hygyrchedd yr adeilad

 Amserau agor

Oasis Tots runs on Thursday and Friday mornings but please contact Cath to discuss availability.